Ini adalah sebahagian rintitan hati kita skrg ini,org melayu mcm dah lupa ada resam & budaya kita.Mana perginya sopan & adat resam org melayu kita????? Sy cukup sedih sbb org melayu kita skrg ini pergi kenduri dgn berpakaian yg tdk sesuai dgn majlis tersbt..mrk berpakaian t-shirt,berseluar jeans @ seluar treak..adakah itu budaya kita?? adakah mrk b'fkr sblm berpakain spt itu?Majlis kenduri itu kan tmp kita berkumpul,disitu ada ramai org tua dan majlis yg mulia... kdng2 sy terfikir mana perginye bdy dulu? dulu masy.melayu terknl dgn sopan santun & budi bhs serta di skrg??? Bagi sy jika masy.melayu msh mengekalkan sikap begitu bdy kita hlng,kata2 "TAK AKAN MELAYU HILANG DIDUNIA" akan lenyap & hanye kata2 shj...jgn smp suatu hr nanti generasi kita tdk knl asl usul n bdy kita sendiri....fikir2 kan lah...
Bila mata melihat,Hati merasa dan Pena mula menari...

Khamis, 25 Mac 2010
Ahad, 21 Mac 2010
Good skill comunication..
How to use communication to get the job? I think we need to use a good way to communicate during the interview to get job.What is meant by the way I communicate with the good is the way we answer the question, how we sit, speak and dress during the interview that all can affect the way we talk and interview. In my opinion, way to communicate is important to get work, Should we communicate openly, clearly and easily understand and always focus on what they ask. We must also answer questions based on what was asked and answered with a smile and confident, we cannot at will answer questions and said do not know or cannot and other responses that are not good. In addition, we must sit in a comfortable and robust way to communicate clearly. In addition, we must sit in a comfortable and robust way to communicate may clear.For me, way we communicate is important not only for work but also important to communicate with people
Current Issue...

At present, we often hear news about environmental pollution that occurs within and outside negara.Ini as rapacious attitude to human development activities involving the environment and this may contribute to increasing the temperature the earth and environmental pollution. Some examples of environmental pollution is air, sound, water and other. Last month, at Kuantan, many burning may occur due to open burning activities occur or are caused temperature increases. Government also vowed to take various actions to address these problems, most notably introducing green traffic, recycling and other lain.Pada my opinion if people are still taking easy cases this will pollution more happened and our earth that is getting older and this will continue to be sick destroyed so only.
Sabtu, 13 Mac 2010
What means Non-verbal communication??

Nonverbal communication is one where we use body movement, voice or sign language, face expression, and touch others. How this can help us to deliver an information or can communicate with each other more effectively .. nonverbal can also say in facilitating communication and we can understand more of what we want to say .. In addition, nonverbal also allows us to communicate with people less disability (disabled) who are deaf or cant speak.In my opinion, also nonverbal communication can be easily and fun .. why I say so, because by using the expression-expression face @ body can perbagaikan style when interacting with our friends ... can say as nonverbal in support of what we want to say when interacting.
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