Bila mata melihat,Hati merasa dan Pena mula menari...

Bila mata melihat,Hati merasa dan Pena mula menari...

Isnin, 27 September 2010

Prayer in Islam view...

Prayer is derived from the Arabic word that is divided into 2 Salawat.Solat the prayers and the prayers sunat. Prayer is the pillar of Islam is the second most important after say ‘Syahadah’Prayers we must do is compulsory and do 5 times a day and at particular times but prayes sunat if we do get rewarded, but if you do not pray that we do have rewarded or sin.

The position of prayer in Islam is very high and very precious. This has been articulated in the words of the Prophet that says:

"Prayer is the pillar of Islam, then those who raise it means he has to uphold his religion. Then anyone who leaves his religion means he was breaking down " Hadith narrated by Bayhaqi.

In my opinion, if I have problems I will do my prayers are there in the teachings of Islam, and recite prayers Quran.When we prayer will always remember our Allah, the Allah of us, Allah is the Lord of the Worlds, and after we prayers we pray and complained to Allah any problems.Then when we read Quran it like we talk to Allah. The weight of this prayer religious right. Not as we thought,not as we charity. Hopefully our prayers all the instructions given, so good by God in the Last reviewed later.