Everyone have their own memory childhood,for me childhood is the most exciting times for the time being we do not have to think of any problem.We only know playing and want to fully love from everyone especially from parent.
Childhood memories that I want to share is the first time I returned to my village at Kelantan. On the way there,my mom say I always talk non-stop until my father stop to break and lunch then near at the shop have one stall sells a variety of local fruits, including my favorite fruits 'salak fruit'.My mom say I ask she what fruit is this,where the fruits come from and why the face fruit like this and look ugly..my mom say this is ‘salak’ and this fruits come from the jungle at front of the store and my mom say again if you don’t stop talking seller would take and put you at tikah the jungle while my mom show me the jungle and the seller fruits smile at me,after that my hug and crying at my mom shoulder because fear and I sleep until arrive at my village.
Second is this happened shopping complex, one day parent bring me at shopping complex Kuantan then I see one person wear robe and purdah colour black then I fear and crying so hard because I never seen any people wear like that when I look there until my mom say many people at their look me because wonder what happened to me and my father say sorry to the person because my temperament and she understand what happened to me.
The last is when I 5years old,I very closed with my uncle so I tell my uncle to buy me bear because my birthday coming then he say okay.2 day before my birthday my uncle arrive at my village in Kuantan then I seen in the back seat of the car my uncle is a big doll and a high,he buy me one pink painter dolls then I very happy until I jump joy and kiss and hug my uncle because I get what I want,until right now the dolls it is maintained at all times.
Childhood is very beautiful and if I can turn that time I will choose the childhood, when I remember those days many thing in my heart,it happend with my loving parent and so funny.